Extended Project Qualifications

The Extended Project Qualification is a free-standing qualification which is highly valued by universities as it demonstrates your skills in independent learning, academic writing and carrying out an extended research project.


Extended Project Qualifications

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This course is based at
Darwen Aldridge Community Academy

Why study this course?

Course Overview

The Extended Project Qualification is a free standing qualification which is highly valued by universities as it demonstrates your skills in independent learning, academic writing and carrying out an extended research project. It is worth up to 28 UCAS points - equivalent to half an A Level. The EPQ provides you with the opportunity to develop an individual research paper on a subject of your choice with one-to-one support from a member of staff. You can explore an aspect of a subject you are studying, choose a topic in which you have a personal interest, complete a project about an issue that concerns you or create an artefact such as a piece of art, design, music, performance, or an event.

What will I study?

It is entirely up to you! You can choose any topic you like, but it must go beyond the demands of the specifications of your A Level subjects. You will be given a supervisor to help shape your topic and research, but the direction your project takes will be your decision to make. The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is a standalone qualification which enables you to research a topic of your choice, create a project, and present your findings to a small group.

How is this course assessed?

You will complete a production log, a project, and complete a presentation.

What can I study with this course?

Where does this qualification lead?

As a result of these skills, many universities offer our EPQ students places with lower A Level grades if they also achieve their Extended Project Qualification, making it ideal for high achievers who want to secure places at top universities.

Specific entry requirements for this course

A-Level entry requirements

At least four 5s at GCSE.
Your English and maths GCSEs must be at least grade 4.

BTEC entry requirements

At least five 4s at GCSE. A grade 4 in math, English language, or literature, and a grade 3 in the other subjects is required.

Course Overview

As a result of these skills, many universities offer our EPQ students places with lower A Level grades if they also achieve their Extended Project Qualification, making it ideal for high achievers who want to secure places at top universities.

Industry Placement

As a result of these skills, many universities offer our EPQ students places with lower A Level grades if they also achieve their Extended Project Qualification, making it ideal for high achievers who want to secure places at top universities.

Employability Skills

As a result of these skills, many universities offer our EPQ students places with lower A Level grades if they also achieve their Extended Project Qualification, making it ideal for high achievers who want to secure places at top universities.

Benefits of studying this

As a result of these skills, many universities offer our EPQ students places with lower A Level grades if they also achieve their Extended Project Qualification, making it ideal for high achievers who want to secure places at top universities.